2024 RFSI Forum

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Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum
The RFSI Forum is sold out! | RFSI Bootcamp tickets are still available!
October 9-10, 2024 | Denver, CO
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Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum
The RFSI Forum is sold out! | RFSI Bootcamp tickets are still available!
October 9-10, 2024 | Denver, CO

Agenda   |   Speakers   |   Bootcamp  |   Venue  |   Sponsors

The 2024 RFSI Forum is Sold Out!

The 2024 RFSI Forum on October 9-10 is SOLD OUT! If you’d like to be added to the RFSI Forum Waitlist, please click here. We will open spots to waitlisted individuals as we receive cancellations.

We are excited to see such great demand for this important programming and we wish we could extend our capacity to include everyone. Luckily, even if you can’t get into the Forum, we still have space available for the RFSI Bootcamp on October 8th – filled with great insight and connections with funders, farmers and entrepreneurs. Learn more here.



The 2024 RFSI Forum will take place October 9-10 in Denver, Colorado. With 500+ attendees, 55+ speakers and 9+ hours of networking, the Regenerative Food Systems Investment (RFSI) Forum is the ONLY event that exclusively brings together investors, food and agriculture entrepreneurs, and critical stakeholders working to build resilient food systems.

The RFSI Forum is THE gathering for learning the why, how and where to invest capital in agriculture and food for financial and impact returns. Whether you have been engaged in the regenerative space for decades, are ready to dig in to this emerging opportunity, or are just a little curious, this event offers unparalleled insight and networking opportunities.

Farmer Scholarships

Farmers and ranchers are an essential part of the regenerative food system and to the ecosystem of capital and solution-builders at the RFSI Forum. To better enable farmers to join the conversation we offered a limited number of Farmer Scholarships to cover registration fees to the RFSI Forum and the RFSI Bootcamp. The winners of the Farmer Scholarships were announced on August 14, 2024.

We would like to say a very special thank you to The Nest and the generous individuals who contributed to the farmer scholarships!

RFSI Pitch Session with The First Thirty

Solutions to Accelerate Regeneration

The application period is now closed for the 2024 RFSI Forum Pitch Session on October 9. This exciting pitch session, hosted by The First Thirty, will feature four early stage companies working on diverse solutions to accelerate and enable regenerative agriculture and food systems, pitching to our audience of nearly 500 investors, funders and systems stakeholders.

Agenda at a Glance

We have a lot planned for this year’s RFSI Forum – you won’t want to miss a single moment!


Preliminary RFSI Forum Agenda
*Subject to change.
Day One
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Day 1: Wednesday, October 9
9:00 a.m. MT
Welcome: Regenerative Agriculture Has Arrived!
9:15 a.m. MT
Scaling Solutions for Resilient Farming, Business, and Investing Starts With Soil
Emma Fuller, Fractal Agriculture

Soil health and the way we do agriculture influences farm well-being, climate, water, biodiversity, human health, and so much more. But the way we finance agriculture and food plays a critical role in either enabling or inhibiting the adoption of practices that bring these benefits. Explore these relationships as we frame the conversations for the coming 2 days.
9:30 a.m. MT
Panel: Building Successful Regenerative Farms
Aaron Cardona, Arevalos Farm; Johnny Hunter, Castor River Farms; Benina Montes, Burroughs Family Farms; Kevin Wolz, Canopy Farm Management
Moderated by: John Kempf, Advancing Eco Agriculture

Meet four very different farmers who have made the decision to transition on-farm practices and production systems. Learn what opportunities and obstacles have characterized each of their journeys, where capital has – or could have – played a role, and what is still needed to create thriving, regenerative systems from the farm up.
10:15 a.m. MT
Fireside Chat: Tools for Transitioning Growers at Scale
Charlie Dubbe, Agrology & Eric Morgan, Braga Fresh

What does it take to transition a large-scale produce operation from conventional to regenerative? Commitment, resources, time and tools. Investigate what this looks like with the case of Braga Fresh.
10:30 a.m. MT
Investing in the Missing Links: The Role of Off-Takers for Regenerative
Matt Cohen, SIMPLi; Cole Mannix, Old Salt Co-op; Elizabeth Sheppard, McCain Foods
Moderated by: Anthony Corsaro, ReGen Brands

Farmers are a critical piece to systems-wide transition to regeneration but they depend in part on the markets that exist for regenerative products. Infrastructure, processing, emerging brands and corporate off-takers need to move in lock-step with the on-farm transition. What investments need to be made into these missing links to ensure this happens?
11:50 a.m. MT
The Expanding Capital Landscape for Agricultural Transition
Patrick Smith, Soil Upside
12:00 p.m. MT
Panel: How Can We Put Capital to Work for Transition?
Moderated by: Patrick Smith, Soil Upside
Jacob Israelow, Dirt Capital; Cortney Renton, Proofing Station; Brandon Welch, Mad Capital

Diverse types of capital can be invested in regenerative agriculture and food systems transition but different types of capital and the strategies behind them can produce different outcomes. This discussion will dig into what investment in regenerative systems looks like today, how capital is being used to move the space forward, and what outcomes for the farmer, investors and systems can be expected.
12:35 p.m. MT
Case Study: Investing in Agroforestry Systems
Sara Balwajder, Builders Vision; Keavin Hill, Hill Farms; Brett Hundley, Agroforestry Partners; Ethan Steinberg, Propagate
Moderated by: Caesare Assad, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF)

The integration of agroforestry into existing farming systems offers significant benefits – to the farmer, to ecosystem health… and to investors. Learn how capital is being put to work to create these benefits in Keavin Hill’s Kentucky operation.
LUNCH | 1:10 p.m. MT
2:10 p.m. MT
Fireside Chat: Creating Investment Strategies that Embrace a Systemic Approach
Hallie Fox, The Nest & David Leon, Biome Capital Partners
Moderated by: Tina Owens, Snowehaven Regeneration

What sets agriculture and food apart from so many other investment opportunities is how it touches nearly every aspect of human existence. this unique interconnected nature means investing in these systems effectively beckons for a systems-based approach.
– What does this look like in an investment strategy?
– What if you have already started investing and want to shift to a systems approach and how does this show up in a portfolio?
– How does one measure outcomes in this approach, especially at the early stage?
2:35 p.m. MT
Case Study: Integrated Finance for the Middle Supply Chain
Amanda Hendy, Terra Regenerative Capital; Kristen Moree, Builders Vision; Philip Taylor, Mad Markets
Moderated by: Calla Rose Ostrander, Terra Regenerative Capital

Explore the recent investment in Mad Markets PBC and Timeless Seeds by Terra Regenerative Capital, Builders Vision, and others. The investment represents a much needed lift for the underfunded middle supply chain for regenerative. Here you’ll learn what it took to make it happen (it wasn’t easy) and how it will seed a larger vision to support the missing middle.
3:10 p.m. MT
Breakout Workshops & Small Group Discussions
These more intimate session will allow you to go deeper on some of the most pressing issues facing regenerative food systems investment.

Workshop 1: Bridging the Funding Gap: Mobilizing Venture Capital, Philanthropy, and Everything In Between for Regen Ag
Connie Bowen, Farmhand Ventures & Eva Goulbourne, Littlefoot Ventures

Explore the critical need for a diversified funding approach to support and scale regenerative agriculture projects. By leveraging the strengths of venture capital alongside concessionary public and philanthropic dollars, we can create a robust financial ecosystem that accelerates the transition to regenerative farming practices. Designed specifically for alternative asset fund managers, investors, and philanthropists, this session will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the unique roles each type of funding can play and how they can be effectively combined to maximize impact. Attendees will leave equipped with actionable strategies and insights to attract and deploy these diverse funding sources to their regenerative agriculture initiatives.

Workshop 2: Breaking Down Silos: Creating a Missing Middle Strategy Using a Systems Approach
Facilitated by: Rex Raimond, Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS)

Investing in regenerative agriculture goes beyond on-farm investments. Producers need reliable supply chains to market to. This interactive conversation invites all value chain participants and diverse funders to explore the greatest needs along the supply chain and how to appropriately put capital to work toward those needs.

Workshop 3: Consumer Demand for Regenerative: The Case for Optimism & A Blueprint for Collaboration
Ryan Pintado-Vertner, Smoketown

Delve into the growing evidence that consumer demand can and should play a game-changing role in scaling regenerative agriculture in the food industry. This dynamic workshop will explore the case for optimism about consumer demand, along with key elements of a demand creation blueprint, as informed by Smoketown’s white paper, “Unlocking Consumer Demand for Regenerative”. This white paper was informed by interviews with over 20 executives across the ecosystem. Attendees will leave with a more nuanced understanding of the consumer demand opportunity for regen, along with a refined understanding of their potential role in the blueprint for accelerating demand.

Workshop 4: Is it Regenerative If….
Presented and Facilitated by: Kia Sims, American Pride Rises Network & Candace Spencer, Meridian Institute

The past decade has brought a growing focus on systems transformation in the name of climate, agriculture, and human health but these efforts are rarely tied to the justice and equity in a way that impacts at scale. This workshop will dig into why it’s so important to account for and address equity in the transition and how we better integrate it into systems change.
4:40 p.m. MT
Venture Investing for Regeneration
Julia Weber, Pelican Ag
4:45 p.m. MT
Deciphering the Chaos: Carbon & Biodiversity Market Update
Lauren Gifford, Associate Director of the Soil Carbon Solutions Center at Colorado State University

Conceptually, carbon markets offer a win-win for farmers and investors but the market is still nascent and it can be hard for farmers and investors to decipher the latest science and program. Get the latest market update, plus the status of biodiversity credits and what else is coming down the pike for ecosystem service markets.
5:10 p.m. MT
Regenerative Food Systems Pitch Session – hosted by The First Thirty
Hosted by: Antony Yousefian, The First Thirty

Hear these 4 innovative start-ups working on new tools to accelerate regeneration. Then vote for your winner!
* Michael Cully, Susterre
* Nicolas Enjalbert, SeedLinked
* Cate Havstad Casad, Range Revolution
* Suzanne Kimbal, Rooted
5:55 p.m. MT
Closing of Day 1
EVENING RECEPTION | 6:00-7:30 p.m. MT

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Day One
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Day 2: Thursday, October 10
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9:00 a.m. MT
9:10 a.m. MT
Risk & Returns: How Will They Shape the Future of Regenerative Investments?
9:20 a.m. MT
Key Lessons from a Decade in Farming and Finance Transformation
Anna Jones-Crabtree, Vilicus Farms & Chris Zuehlsdorff, Iroquois Valley Farms

After more than a decade of working on investments agricultural transition on the farm, what key lessons can both funders and farmers offer to inform future investment in the space?
9:45 a.m. MT
Featured Discussion: The Next 10 Years of Regenerative Finance Innovation
Alexander Bashian, The Rockefeller Foundation; Renee Cheung, Bonterra Partners; Amanda Pinelli, NatureX; Wood Turner, Agriculture Capital
Moderated by: David Bennell, Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS)

Want to learn more about our Women Transforming Food & Finance initiative? Meet up with Robyn O’Brien and other women in the theater lobby (located near registration) during this Coffee Break Discussion.
11:10 a.m. MT
The Necessary Ingredients for Scaled Capital, Acres, and Impacts

What are the considerations and barriers to the free flow of institutional scale capital to the regenerative agriculture and food systems space? The next segment of the program will explore these.
11:15 a.m. MT
Unlocking Institutional Scale Regeneration
Michael Shoemaker, Vayda & Kevin Wright, Manulife
Moderated by: Katherine Pease, Pathstone

Institutional scale asset managers have a key role to play in creating a pathway for institutions a and other scaled capital to come to regenerative agriculture. But the transition of acres at scale is a complex process. What resources are needed to support this process and what outcomes can they make possible? We’ll check in with the people doing the work to hear what lessons they can share.
11:40 a.m. MT
Panel: Building Financial Infrastructure & Project Capacity to Scale Investment
Jeff Bos, Soil & Climate Alliance; Skya Ducheneaux, Akiptan; Shea Flanagan, Conservation Resources; Erica Goodman, American Farmland Trust

Some of the most critical financial infrastructure needed to expand food systems transformation are that of the intermediaries that hold the on the ground expertise and relationships needed successfully deploy capital at scale. Dig into the role of these diverse intermediaries and how each can facilitate investment across systems.
12:20 p.m. MT
Ecosystem Transformative Capital: A Case for the Regenerative Pathway
Diane Christofore, Regenerative Agriculture Alliance & Reginaldo Haslett-Maroquin, Tree Range Farms

To enable capital investment that works in alignment with their deeply regenerative approach, Regenerative Agriculture Alliance and Tree Range Farms built a new investment vehicle: Ecosystem Transformative Capital. In this fascinating case study, you’ll learn about the path they charted to build this and how it works.
LUNCH | 12:40 p.m. MT
1:40 p.m. MT
Creative Strategies & Vehicles to Enable Diverse Capital Participation
Bert Glover, Impact Ag Partners, Mitch Rubin, Elemental Impact
Moderated by: Robyn O’Brien, Montcalm

As the regenerative agriculture space matures, we’re seeing increasing efforts to think more creatively about how to finance and invest in it. In this discussion, we’ll hear from two finance innovators who worked to create new types of investment vehicles for regenerative agriculture. They’ll explore what these new vehicles look like, their potential outcomes, and what this could mean for regeneration as a whole.
2:10 p.m. MT
Breakout Workshops & Small Group Discussions
These more intimate session will allow you to go deeper on some of the most pressing issues facing regenerative food systems investment.

Workshop 1: Shock Scenario: Labor Shift – Executive Orders Mobilize Workforce for Mineral Boom, Satellite Tech Uncovers Treasure Trove for Renewable Energy
Connie Bowen, Farmhand Ventures; Sarah Nolet, Tenacious Ventures; Renee Vassilos, The Nature Conservancy
What is a shock scenario workshop? The intention is to use a provocative system ‘shock’ to help participants quickly get out of our comfort zones, creating space to identify unexpected opportunities, gaps in our thinking, and actions we might take today to future-proof our work for whatever scenarios lie ahead.
In this shock scenario, new satellite enabled geological survey technology reveals a cache of critical minerals required to scale renewable energy technology across the borders of Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota. The demand for mining labor is immediate and at an unprecedented scale. Ag labor policies are adjusted by Executive Order to allow movement of work force to support mining (higher wage).

Workshop 2: The American Health Collapse & How to Invest in a More Nutritious Future
Devon Klatell, The Rockefeller Foundation & Nora LaTorre, Eat Real

The country is facing a human health crisis that food sets at the center of. Dig into what is driving the American health collapse, what powerful levers of intervention exist, and how the movement is being funded.

Workshop 3: Enhancing Brand & Consumer Confidence with Resilient Supply Webs and Creative Financial Strategies
David Cooper, DAF Capital Partners & Alisa Knapp, Grows Together Consulting

Delve into how to collaboratively create a regenerative supply network for alternative ingredients where every stakeholder wins. This exploration of systemic change applies universally as we examine a diversified and transitional food system that requires coordinated transformation across farms, processing, brands and retail – as well as finance. There is remarkable entrepreneurship required to meet the nuanced barriers that face each of these players. We’ll ask key questions: How is the transition progressing? How can our actions contribute to the greater good? Who will bear the costs?

Workshop 4: A Water Learning Journey
Tripp Wall, Trailhead Capital

Come on a learning journey with us to better understand the significant role of water in agricultural systems. Join this small group discussion to dive into the questions that are top of your mind all about water.
3:05 p.m. MT
The Policy Landscape & The Role It Can Play in Enabling Capital Flows
Maggie Monast, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

The past two years of U.S. policy has opened a relative floodgate of public funding to climate smart and regenerative agriculture. What are the various roles that policy can play in de-risking capital to move into the the regenerative space.
3:30 p.m. MT
Changing Incentives: The Role of Insurance Markets in Incentivizing (or Not) Regeneration
Jonathan Sherrill, Aon

The risks and costs of current agricultural systems are becoming increasingly obvious. However, current insurance systems are not built to account for and address these risks. How might insurance, policy and Agriculture evolve to meet this challenge?
4:00 p.m. MT
Action Plan for Systemic Investing & Transformation
John Kempf, Advancing Eco Agriculture; Paul McMahon, SLM Partners; Sarah Nolet, Tenacious Ventures; Tina Owens, Snowehaven Regeneration
4:40 p.m. MT
Closing Remarks
CLOSING DRINKS | 4:45-6:00 p.m. MT

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Preliminary speaker list. Check back soon – we’re adding more speakers every week!

RFSI Bootcamp – October 8th

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Are you an entrepreneur just starting your fundraising journey?

Are you a farmer seeking to understand the full range of funding opportunities that exist for you?

The RFSI Bootcamp – a half-day, pre-course to the RFSI Forum – is geared toward farmers, ranchers, producers, emerging brands and early stage start-ups that would like to better understand the regenerative food systems investment landscape and how best to engage in it.

You do not have to register for the RFSI Forum to attend the RFSI Bootcamp.

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Join us from 1:00-5:00 p.m. MT on October 8th!

Thank you Bootcamp supporters:

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Attendees can expect to:
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Understand the different types of capital players funding regenerative farms, farmers, companies and start-ups, and the implications of each type of capital.

Engage with capital allocators and learn what they are looking for in their investments as well as what they will expect from you in the decision-making process.

Learn from others who have been down similar fundraising paths as you and glean lessons learned.

Gain tips for how to engage capital allocators and what questions are most important for you to ask them.

Workshop through challenges you have faced with experience investors, funders and fundraisers.

Walk away with a deeper understanding of the ecosystem, some strong connections with others in the space, what you need to do to be successful in it, and who it is most important for you to engage with.

Join us from 1:00-5:00 p.m. MT on October 8th!

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RFSI Bootcamp Agenda – October 8

Day One
1:00 p.m. MT
Sarah Day Levesque, Regenerative Food Systems Investment & Rex Raimond, Transformational Investing in Food Systems
1:10 p.m. MT
Introduction to the Capital Ecosystem for Regenerative Agriculture & Food
Sarah Day Levesque, Regenerative Food Systems Investment (RFSI)

– What does the landscape of capital for regeneration look like?
– What are the different types of capital available?
– How does each type of capital fit into the landscape and into the life cycle of a farm or company?
1:30 p.m. MT
Reverse Pitch Session: Meet the Funders
Drew Blankenbaker, Iroquois Valley Farms; Sarah Bell, The Schmidt Family Foundation & 11th Hour Project; Alissa Welker, Steward; Antony Yousefian, The First Thirty Amanda Zakharov, Dirt Capital Partners

Meet the very diverse types of investors and funders working in the regenerative agriculture and food space through this fun and informative pitch process! Learn about what types of projects each funder invests in, what they are looking for from your operation, and what they bring to the table through investment – including what size check and strategic support.
1:55 p.m. MT
Dismiss to Breakout Tracks
Farmer/Rancher Track
Start-Up/Emerging Brand Track
2:00 p.m. MT
The Capital Landscape for Farmers & Ranchers
Sami Tellatin, FarmRaise
Framing the Fundraising Journey
Anthony Corsaro, ReGen Brands & Antony Yousefian, The First Thirty
2:20 p.m. MT
How Debt, Equity, and Grant Capital Can Fit Your Goals
Drew Blankenbaker, Iroquois Valley Farms; Sarah Bell, The Schmidt Family Foundation & 11th Hour Project; Amanda Zakharov, Dirt Capital Partners
Navigating the Ecosystem of Investment
Anthony Corsaro, ReGen Brands; Hallie Fox, The Nest; Antony Yousefian, The First Thirty
COFFEE BREAK | 2:55 p.m. MT
3:20 p.m. MT
Roundtable Work: What to Expect & How to Best Prepare Yourself

All our speakers will host a table and attendees will be able to choose what tables they want to visit to talk dig in deeper to different funding and investment approaches and how best to engage with each.
4:00 p.m. MT
Fireside Chat: Lessons from the Fundraising Journey
Ethan Steinberg, Propagate & Tom McDougall, 4P Foods

Learn from experience fundraisers who have already raised capital and have plenty of lessons to share from their journey.

– What do other farmers and fundraisers wish they knew before they started their capital journey?
– How can you navigate the additional complexity of raising outside capital?
– What if an investor says no – where to go from there?
4:30 p.m. MT
Building an Ecosystem to Thrive In: Leveraging Resources & Each Other
Facilitated by Rex Raimond, Transformational Investing in Food Systems (TIFS) & Sarah Day Levesque, RFSI
The ecosystem of support services for both fundraisers and investors in the regenerative agriculture and food systems space is growing. Equipped with a new understanding of the capital landscape and those that are engaged in it, how can solution builders and funders work together to create a fundraising environment that allows everyone to thrive.
5:00 p.m. MT
Close of Program
Separate Location

SOLD OUT Regen Farm & Food Systems Tour – October 11th

There’s no better way to learn about regenerative farming than by visiting a farm!

After a few days at the RFSI Forum in the city, plan to get out to a farm and learn from the land and those who steward it. The Regen Farm & Food Systems Tour is an optional add-on experience taking place 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on October 11, the day after the RFSI Forum ends.

This year we are excited to tour West Bijou, the Savory Institute’s holistically-managed ranch and learning site. This 7,500-acre landscape dominated by shortgrass prairie is home to a herd of 400+ bison, a thriving wildlife population, and archeological and cultural assets such as one of the world’s most robust and intact sites of the K-T Boundary, a window to past geologic times. In addition to a tour of this working bison ranch, attendees will also have an opportunity to: see a demo of their Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) land monitoring protocol, learn how EOV data feeds into Savory’s Land to Market initiative which has helped bring 1,000+ products from verified regenerating landbases into the food, fashion, and footwear industries, and hear about the new Savory Foundation, based in Denmark.

Air conditioned bus transportation is provided, as is lunch. Tour will start and end at the conference hotel in downtown Denver.



1350 Arapahoe St, Denver, CO

The 2024 RFSI Forum will be held at the Denver Performing Arts Complex in the Seawell Ballroom! Seawell Ballroom is conveniently located in downtown Denver, within walking distance to many hotels, restaurants and entertainment options. The ballroom offers stunning panoramic views of the city and mountains and plenty of space for our growing community!

The Seawell Ballroom is located in the Helen Bonfils Theatre Complex, at the northwest corner of the Denver Performing Arts Complex.


Kimpton Hotel Monaco Denver
Denver Monaco Exterior
1717 Champa Street, Denver, CO

The RFSI Forum room block is located at the Kimpton: Hotel Monaco Denver, 1717 Champa Street, Denver, CO.

We’ve secured a great discount and perks that include: $20 off parking per day and no guest amenity fees for RFSI Forum attendees at the Kimpton: Hotel Monaco Denver.

Thank You To Our Sponsors


Transformational Investing in Food Systems

TIFS is an impact ecosystem of investors, funders, and enterprises dedicated to unlocking capital for regenerative businesses. We are helping to build a market for a regenerative, equitable, and climate-resilient food future.

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Terra Regenerative Capital

Terra Regenerative Capital is on a mission to transition our agricultural system to a regenerative one so that we may rebalance the climate, reinforce food security, restore biodiversity and revitalize human and planetary health and economic wellbeing. TRC’s first investment vehicle, The Leaders Series, is dedicated to empowering those at the forefront of building regenerative supply chains – ie the “missing middle” – and creating new and value added market access for regenerative producers.


Propagate & Agroforestry Partners

Propagate is a regenerative agriculture company that makes it easy for farmland owners to design, plant, and manage agroforestry systems so that they can increase the cash yield of farmland. We provide farm planning software, tree planting & management services, and project financing to reduce the risk of integrating fruit, nut, and timber trees with animal or crop farming systems. Agroforestry Partners provides a turnkey financing solution to enable agroforestry conversion for farmers and landowners, while providing an uncorrelated, attractive nature-based investment opportunity for investors. We aim to fix the carbon cycle and improve climate health one acre at a time.

Propagate Agroforestry Partners


Manulife Investment Management

Manulife Investment Management is the asset management arm of Manulife Financial Corporation. As the world’s largest natural capital investment manager, we create value through the sustainable management of natural resources for the benefit of our investors, the environment, and local communities. Our agriculture and timberland businesses manage diversified global portfolios of farms and forests covering over 5.8 million acres across the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, and New Zealand. As of December 31, 2023, we manage $15.7 billion in AUM.

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Good Roots

Good Roots helps farms and food businesses become profitable for good. Our team of remote consultants offers business, management, and marketing services to the agricultural and food sectors, drawing on years of direct experience as farmers and food entrepreneurs ourselves.

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Dirt Capital Partners

Dirt Capital invests in farmland together with best-in-class regenerative farmers and ranchers – helping grow their land base and profitability. We are “impact-first” with a focus on capital preservation while achieving outcomes in ecological stewardship, farmer equity, community benefits and field-building.

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The Nest

The Nest is a Belgian family office investing in more resilient food systems. We envision them operating within the planetary boundaries of the Earth. We imagine a mostly circular system, based on respect for all living beings and the farmers and agricultural workers at its core. We see a world in which the true price of food is understood and accounts for the costs borne by society and the planet. In this system indigenous wisdom and technology are intertwined to produce food regeneratively that can serve as medicine and provide enough nourishment for all. And while the dominant system is difficult to overturn, we strongly believe that by creating choices where once there were none, nature based solutions will in the end prevail.

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The First Thirty

The First Thirty (TFT,) a venture capital firm, invests in early-stage entrepreneurs building disruptive technology businesses to unlock nature’s value and regenerate at scale, with a goal of influencing the regeneration of 30 million hectares by 2030.

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Iroquois Valley Farms

Iroquois Valley is a Public Benefit Corporation and Certified B-Corp that offers investors the opportunity to support independent organic farmers with land access and working capital through two unique investment offerings. Our REIT Equity Shares offer both accredited and non-accredited investors the opportunity to own a diversified portfolio of organic farmland that now spans 20 states. We will also be raising capital through a new note issuance – Rooted in Regeneration Notes. The RNR Notes will provide investors with a means to support farmland ownership for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) by reducing the cost of borrowing for eligible farmers.

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Builders Vision

Builders Vision is an impact platform that aims to shift markets and minds for good through offering philanthropic, investment and advocacy tools to people and organizations building a more humane and healthy planet.

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Agrology provides real-time data for growers to measure the outcomes of their regenerative farming practices. Agrology monitors soil health, microbial activity, and a comprehensive set of agronomic data streams, so growers can measure and link practice changes to real-world GHG reductions and ecological impacts.

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Canopy Farm Management

Canopy Farm Management provides tree planting and management services to Midwest farmers and landowners. Through its expert staff, thoughtful design, and a mobile fleet of state-of-the-art equipment, Canopy cost-effectively establishes and manages diverse agroecological systems, including perennial crops, timber plantings, and conservation practices.

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Mad Capital

Mad Capital provides tailor-fit private credit to mid-sized regenerative organic farmers in the US. They are working to bridge the transition financing gap by providing the longer-term capital it takes to transition a degraded farm to a beautiful, profitable, and regenerative farm.

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Biome Capital Partners

Biome Capital is a full service investment platform designed to deploy meaningful capital into regenerative food and fiber systems. We invest in US farmland in equity partnership with best-in-class growers, in infrastructure and brands that support bioregional ecosystems, and in emerging technologies that de-risk and accelerate the transition.

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Conservation Resources

Conservation Resources (CR), is an impact investment organization focused on land-based natural resources, managing farmland and timber investments to provide above-market returns while optimizing environmental impact values.

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The Schmidt Family Foundation

Established in 2006 by Eric and Wendy Schmidt, the Schmidt Family Foundation works to restore a balanced relationship between people and planet through grantmaking and investments.

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Fractal Agriculture

Fractal invests in U.S. row crop farmland to enable farmers to expand adoption of regenerative practices and scale their impact while driving superior returns.

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Soil & Climate Initiative

The Soil and Climate Initiative is a world-changing Regenerative Transition Service program.​ We transition conventional to regenerative acres at scale, making regenerative financial, market and philanthropic investments more successful, profitable and impactful.​

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Grounded Capital

Grounded Capital was created to pursue ideas and solve problems through direct investments of private, long-term financial capital on behalf of aligned investors. We believe in a systems-based and holistic approach to responsibly grow capital and achieve Impact across our Five Areas of Focus: Places, Energy, People, Food and Nature.

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Pelican Ag

Pelican Ag is the venture fund on a mission to bring food and farming back to nature.

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Stepwell Strategies

Stepwell Strategies provides grant writing, project development, and project management services for organizations tackling our most pressing challenges: food security, regenerative agriculture, environmental justice, climate change, and land stewardship. Founded on the belief that food and agricultural businesses and nonprofits are at their best when connected to the resources they need, Stepwell Strategies designs programs and projects that scale impact through creative facilitation, finance and funding approaches, and project design support.

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Miel Creative

Miel Creative is a full-service design and communications studio making beautiful sense out of a complex world for almost two decades. Our clients include B Corps, nonprofits, and other purpose-driven organizations working to create a positive impact. Recent work includes Soil Wealth (The Croatan Institute), The Fibers Roadmap (SAFSF), and the AccelerateNC community platform (NC Biotech).

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Merge Impact

Merge Impact is a software platform that integrates cutting-edge technology to synthesize data from various sources, allowing for precise planning and execution of conservation practices. By facilitating market connectivity, Merge Impact helps farmers access new economic opportunities for sustainably produced crops and ecosystem outcomes, creating financial incentives that encourage the widespread adoption of conservation practices.

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Range Revolution

A luxury leather goods brand utilizing 100% traceable, regeneratively sourced American hides. Our mission is to increase economic returns to regenerative ranchers, reduce waste, and give consumers the opportunity to participate in land regeneration through the purchase of heirloom-quality products.

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Philosopher Foods

Philosopher Foods offers meticulously crafted, small batch, Regenerative Organic Certified Sprouted Almond Butters and Gut Nuts™Fermented Almonds and Cashews … the world’s first and only fermented nuts! Our mission is to create delicious, nutritious, ethical, and ecological food that nourishes all Life through its cultivation, manufacturing, distribution, and consumption.

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We work with land owners, businesses, organizations, and ground crews to create and verify sustainable working landscapes.

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Chai Five Tea

Regenerating the health of our bodies and soil, transforming our food systems, and creating a global impact one cup of chai at a time!

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Food & Beverage Donors
Not only do we TALK about investing in regenerative agriculture and food, we ENJOY tasty, nutrient dense regenerative foods at the Forum! Attendees get to choose from many regenerative snacks throughout the day and proteins at lunch all sourced from regenerative farms and ranches.

Become a Sponsor

Sponsors of the RFSI Forum are the organizations leading the transition to a more regenerative food system. Sponsorship packages are designed for diverse types of businesses and offer unique value, including:

  • Increased visibility and thought-leadership among a unique investor and activator community
  • Opportunity to showcase your expertise and services
  • Media coverage before, during and after event
  • Branding throughout the event

For information on how to sponsor future events, please contact us here →