WTF2 Meet-Ups

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Let's Meet Up!
Women Transforming Food & Finance
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Let's Meet Up!
Women Transforming Food & Finance

Bringing women together around their unique work and shared journey toward healthier agriculture, food and finance systems propagates fruitful relationships and learning opportunities – enhancing each of our paths to success.

This is at the core of our work at Women Transforming Food & Finance (WTF2). When we aren’t bringing women from across agriculture food and finance together at our larger conferences, we are pleased to facilitate smaller regional meet-ups. These provide opportunities for more intimate gatherings that enable women to build impactful communities closer to home.

Upcoming Meet-Ups:

London Meet-Up: Leaders in Transformation

June 25, 2024 in London
5:00 – 6:30 p.m. BST

We are excited to gather an impactful group of women working at the intersection of agriculture, food, and finance transformation for an evening of networking in London. 

Recognizing that many are in town for Climate Action Week and the Groundswell event, we are pleased to offer this opportunity – with our host Regenerate Asset Management – for women in the space to connect. Enjoy a beverage and light refreshments while connecting with other leaders in transformation!

– Addy Windsor-Clive, Regenerate Asset Management
– Meghan Sapp, Hub del Norte, Savory Institute

This is a free event! Must RSVP to attend.

Past Meet-Ups:

Breakfast Meet-up: How Does the Financing World Need to Change to Better Support Food Security and Nutrition?

June 5, 2024 in Washington, DC
8:30 – 10:30 a.m. ET

– Sarah Zoubek, President of Food FutureZ
– Renee Catacalos, Director of Strategic Investments, FRESHFARM; recently VP of Strategy and Impact for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders Network

Breakfast Meet-up: What Does Investing in a Healthy Future Food System Look Like?

May 14, 2024 in Boulder, CO
8:30 – 11:00 a.m. MT

– Co-Hosts: Sarah Day Levesque, RFSI & Robyn O’Brien, Montcalm
– Devon Klatell, Rockefeller Foundation
– Jessamine Fitzpatrick, Alder Point Capital
– Kristy Lewis, Quinn Snacks

Interested in hosting a WTF2 Meet-up in your community?
Email us at and learn more!