Food System Health Assessment

Food System Health Assessment

Is our food system healthy?

The past year has been a hard one for all of us. The food system, in particular, has been brought under a microscope. Understanding whether the current food system contributes to the health of all aspects of our communities and its members is essential to ensuring we continue to build toward a state where we collectively thrive.  

That’s why nRhythm and Regenerative Food Systems Investment created the Food System Health Assessment, a survey designed to assess the state of the food system from the view of the members working within it. We want to know both how well individuals are thriving within the food system and how the system is doing collectively. For the purpose of this survey, we are defining the food system as: “A complex web of activities associated with the production, processing, transport, sale and consumption of food.” 

Each response to this survey helps paint a more detailed and accurate picture of our collective experience within the food system. Join the effort to create a healthier food system!  

While everyone plays a role in the food system as a consumer, for the purposes of this assessment, please respond from the perspective of your role defined as follows: The work you do to contribute to enabling food system activities, whether you control or manage the activities, work for others to contribute to these activities, or facilitate others to do their work in food system activities.

Please note: You will be redirected and will need to enable pop-ups to access survey.

Goals of the Food System Health Assessment survey:

This survey is brought to you through a partnership between nRhythm and Regenerative Food Systems Investment in an effort to raise awareness of the state of today’s food system and create dialogue on where to go from here. Goals of the survey include:

  • Understand the state of health of the current food system through the eyes of those working in it
  • Create new dialogue around what is needed to keep moving the food system health forward
  • Equip survey respondents with tools to create a healthy food system through their own experiences

All survey respondents who provide their email address will receive a summary report on the health of the food system based on collected data.

Who should take the survey?

Anyone working within or investing in the food system, from farm to plate, should take this survey. The more data we collect, the more powerful the story we can tell and the better equipped we will be to move the system forward.

  • Please share the survey with others in your own food system community, so we can continue to add diverse responses.
  • All respondents will receive custom results that explain to what level they are thriving in their experience in the food system. Respondents who provide their email address will also receive a summary report on overall food system findings.

Please note: all data is reported in aggregate and your responses will remain anonymous.


The Food System Health Assessment is partnership between Regenerative Food Systems Investment, an initiative working to facilitate education and connections around investment in regenerative agriculture and food, and nRhythm, a global design and management firm committed to creating conditions to unleash potential in people, organizations and networks.

Join Our Efforts!

We’d like to reach all corners of the food system with this survey in order to provide a comprehensive picture, deliver more representative data, and create more valuable dialogue. You can help make this happened by sharing this survey with your own network and encouraging participation. If you are part of an agriculture, agribusiness, or food operation, then please consider having your organization become a promotional partner.

What does it mean to be a Promotional Partner?

We would ask you to do the following:

  • Asking your employees/co-workers to take the survey
  • Sharing information and link about the survey on your social media channels
  • Encouraging participation in this survey through email and/or newsletter messaging
  • Sharing images, messaging and links will be provided

What do Partners get in exchange?

  • Logo inclusion at the bottom of this page as a Promotional Partner
  • Logo inclusion in social media posts promoting survey
  • Logo inclusion as a Promotional Partner in emails our organizations sends out about this survey
  • Logo inclusion and thank you on the final report that is distributed to respondents and others throughout the food system

Ready to support this effort? Or just want to learn more? Email Sarah at