Raising Regenerative News – September 3, 2020

Leading up to the second annual Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum, news about investment in regenerative ag is abundant. Read about the championing of “Natural Capital” as an asset class, multiple visions of the future of farming, the role of tech in more resilient food systems, new deals, and more


Leading Off: Betting Big on Natural Capital

HSBC, Pollination Are Planning Series of ‘Natural Capital’ Funds
As wildfire, storms, floods and droughts become an increasing source of worldwide economic stress, some big investors are betting that creating economic solutions for nature’s biggest problems will emerge as the next asset class.  Read More

Is It Time to View Natural Capital as a Stand-alone Asset Class?
A new enterprise aims to attract pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurers, and other institutional investors to a US$1-billion fund in mid-2021, targeting investment in regenerative agriculture, sustainable forestry, water supply, and so-called blue carbon, meaning carbon captured by oceans and coastal ecosystems.  Read More

Looking to The Future of Regenerative Agriculture:

Essay: The Future of Farming is Human-scale
The future of agriculture will come from people, not technology—from a new generation of farmers who embrace small-scale, ecological, nourishing farming techniques. We are eager to eat healthy, local, organic food, to lessen our footprint, and connect with the people growing our food. Read More

Regenerative Farming: Let’s Look Forward, Not Backward
The basic tenets of regenerative ag are an emphasis on rotational grazing, a reduction in chemical use, minimal tillage, and a focus on tree planting. This just resembles common sense and good practice. With the addition of technology, the principles of regenerative farming can be enhanced. Read More

Growing Our Future – How Regenerative Agriculture Can Achieve Economies of Scale via Future Directions International 

Regenerative Deals & Projects:

NZ Regenerative Agriculture Research Gets $390,000 Funding Boost
Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) has received a $390,000 funding boost from the Ministry for Primary Industries for its research into the global market potential of regenerative agriculture.  Read More

Clean Future: Unilever to Remove Fossil-fuel-based Carbon by 2030
Unilever has unveiled plans to replace 100% of the carbon derived from fossil fuels in its cleaning and laundry products with captured, natural and recycled carbon within a decade.  Read More

Timberland’s Products Will Be Fully Circular by 2030
Timberland’s new sustainability goal goes beyond the usual corporate commitments to reduce environmental harm—by the end of the decade, the company aims to have a net positive impact on nature.  Read More

Insightful Interviews:

Connecting Healthcare to the Regenerative Food Supply
RFSI’s Sarah Day Levesque speaks to Pipeline Foods founder, Eric Jackson, about the critical connection between the way food is produced and human health, the role research can play in growing an understanding of this connection, and the enormous opportunity the healthcare sector presents. He also addresses how the COVID pandemic has shone a light on the need for investment in processing and infrastructure.  Watch Here

Eric Jackson will lead a discussion that more deeply explores the connection between food and human health at the 2020 Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum, September 14-17.

How General Mills Is Trying To Be A Force For Good In The World
General Mills has made some significant commitments to social and environmental goals including accelerating efforts to end hunger and advancing regenerative agriculture practices on 1 million acres of farmland by 2030. Chief Brand Officer Brad Hiranaga talks about how their purpose is manifesting itself through their brands, and the company’s attempt to be a force for good in the world.  Read More

Where Agtech Meets Sustainable Ag:

4 Ways Food Tech Can Lead to More Resilient Food Systems
With COVID-19 exposing fragile food chains and putting scrutiny on the ways we consume and produce foods and approach our own health, now is the perfect moment for food tech startups to step up and lead the way, says venture capitalist and entrepreneur Thomas Falk.  Read More

GRO Network to Link Farmers with Sustainable Buyers
Farmers Business Network recently launched a grain marketing platform that is intended to find a market for ‘low-carbon’ grain, linking farmers using sustainable agriculture practices with food ingredient companies seeking to improve their carbon footprint.  Read More

What We’re Reading:

Investing in Social Good Is Finally Becoming Profitable via New York Times

Project Supports Nebraska Regenerative Agriculture via Drovers News Source

#NaturallyInformed: Saving the Planet, Soil First via WholeFoods Magazine

Beetcoin Connects Everyday Investors With Local Agricultural Businesses via 5280


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