Regenerative Food Systems Investment (RFSI) is excited to welcome Bjorn Broekman to the team as our Relationship Manager & Sales Lead. With a background in facilitating industry collaboration around sustainability initiatives and managing accounts and projects for large-scale agricultural businesses, Bjorn took a unique journey to the regenerative space.
Bjorn is originally from Utrecht, Netherlands but has recently relocated to Northern California with his wife.
Here’s a chance to get to know our newest team member…
RFSI: What brought you to the agriculture space?
Bjorn (BB): A fascination for nature & ecology and the drive to contribute to one of humans’ basic needs: a healthy food supply.
The concepts of regeneration and regenerative agriculture continue to blow me away. I am amazed by the force and resilience of nature and the endless benefits regenerative agriculture can provide for standard farming operations. We desperately need more resilient food production systems in the face of climate change. I love how we are discovering more about nature’s way every day, not only through the latest science, but more so by studying indigenous practices & behavior and ecological principles.
RFSI: What new developments in regenerative ag and food systems are you most enthusiastic about?
BB: I think that nutrient density is one of the most promising trends to engage a new (!) group of consumers in the characteristics and benefits of Regenerative Agriculture. I also think that new brands are doing a great job of telling the stories of regenerative agriculture, and are engaging consumers with important information about their food and the impact they have through their choices.
RFSI: You didn’t start your career in agriculture or finance – can you share a little about what that journey looked like?
BB: With a Bachelors Degree in International Marketing Management, my journey began in sales and account management at the world’s largest beer brewer Anheuser – Busch InBev, where I honed my relationship management skills. In that role, I discovered that sales and relationship management come naturally and are energizing to me. Even so, I felt that I wanted to do more than simply sell a product, such as beer. Seeking a more purpose-driven path, I pursued a Masters Degree in Sustainable Business and Innovation to align my career with positive impacts on humanity and the environment. Equipped with this experience, I was able to take on roles with the government, building industry partnerships and facilitating multi-stakeholder collaboration, and in the private sector engaging with large multinationals in the food and agriculture industry, focusing on responsible sourcing, on-farm certification programs, and consulting on regenerative agriculture practices.
RFSI: What piqued your interest in the investment side of the regenerative food system?
BB: I think it must be the old saying that money makes the world go round. I think that benefits for farmers are quite clear, but many of the barriers that farmers and others face in RegenAg food systems can be tackled through financial investment. Of course many other barriers remain, but the possibility of having a personal impact through influencing the lever of finance & investment is what excited me most about RFSI and my new position.
RFSI: What excites you most about coming to work with the RFSI community?
BB: Understanding the roles of various actors and their needs, and then learning how to bring these together to start making real impact through collaboration. I’m ready to listen, learn and collaborate! Let’s connect and drive regeneration together.