Leading Off: The Great Carbon Debate
The Netflix release of the Kiss The Ground movie, a new white paper touting soil as the carbon solution, the launch of new carbon marketplaces, and an increasing number of companies, including ag giant Cargill, investing in regenerative farming are bringing the debate about the the role soil and regenerative agriculture can play in carbon sequestration and climate change to the front of even mainstream media attention.
Can Farmers Reverse Climate Change and Save the World?
Regenerative agriculture is catching a lot of mainstream buzz these days. Kiss the Ground is the latest, greatest, most star-studded act yet to spread the word. Woody Harrelson introduces the role that rebuilding and healing the soil can play in our global capacity to sequester carbon. Read More
Does Overselling Climate Benefits Undercut Regen Ag’s Potential?
A new white paper from the Rodale Institute and the Carbon Underground says that regenerative practices, if adopted around the world, could sequester all annual carbon dioxide emissions. Critics warn the scientific data doesn’t support these claims, and may oversell the benefits. Read More
New Study Reveals That Soil is a Significant Carbon Sequestration Driver
A new report has quantified the global soil carbon sequestered by roots and the amount leached into the soil, revealing that climate and land use are major influencers of below-ground carbon sequestration. Read More
How Investing in Nature Can Tackle the Biodiversity and Climate Crises
Over half of the world’s GDP is dependent on nature and, in 2020, the World Economic Forum ranked climate change as the biggest risk to the economy and society. Business-as-usual is no longer good for business. Read More
Carbon Markets Are Coming…
Nori Receives $4M to Launch Carbon Marketplace
The investment from Placeholder, North Island Ventures, Tenacious Ventures, and others will go towards team expansion, increased carbon removal suppliers, and the introduction of an industrial-grade carbon marketplace. Read More
In case you missed it:
Soil Capital Launches Farmer Carbon Payment Program
Soil Capital is adding value to carbon capture by offering economic incentives to farmers who want to move towards regenerative agriculture or who are already practicing it. Read More
Addressing Food Security:
Ag Subsidies Can Fight Climate Change, Protect Food Security
A recent World Bank report, Revising Public Agricultural Support to Mitigate Climate Change, finds that a redirection of agriculture subsidies to support more research, innovation, and development, could curb global emissions while also feeding the world. Read More
We Can Partner With Nature To Feed Everybody
Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin is transforming the food system from the ground up by introducing poultry-powered, planet-cooling, regenerative agriculture. He talks about the need to rebalance humanity’s relationship with nature. Read More
Did You Miss The 2020 RFSI Forum?
RFSI Forum Brings Deep Dive in Regenerative Ag Investment
As agriculture continues to grow as an asset class, regenerative agriculture—and its focus on supporting soil, plant, and animal health, along with societal and human health—presents new opportunities for investment. The second annual Regenerative Food Systems Investment Forum spent four days exploring the barriers and opportunities that exist in building and investing in a regenerative food system. Read More
Investment News:

Regenerative Ranch Finds Investment Online
Encinitas-based regenerative ranching company Landscape Function Management recently raised $425,000, not from a bank or from a venture-capital firm, but from crowdfunding, listing their investment opportunity on Harvest Returns. Read More
What’s at Stake When Cargill Says It’ll Help Farmers Adopt Regenerative Agriculture Practices? via The Counter
What We’re Listening To:
Agriculture Adapts by ClimateAi Tackles Biodiversity
Ann Tutwiler joins the show to discuss how biodiversity determines human and environmental health, farmer profitability, and food system resilience and how we deploy it at scale. Listen Here
The Value of Investing in Regenerative Agriculture
Melissa Ho, Senior Vice President for Fresh Water and Food at WWF, joins the hosts from Danone to put a spotlight on regenerative ag and its potential to create long term value for investors. Listen here
What We’re Reading:
What’s Next in the Circular Economy? via FoodSystem6 Blog