Raising Regenerative News – May 6, 2021

This issue of Raising Regenerative News leads off with a focus on Australia’s growing regenerative ag movement. Learn about the opportunities for investment and the voices leading the charge to drive momentum. We also look at fighting climate change through the food system, Food System 6’s new cohort, and more.

Leading Off: Australia’s Move to Regenerative

Catalyzing Investment in Australia’s Regenerative Food System
Australia boasts a robust and growing ecosystem for regenerative agriculture and food. Learn who’s driving this movement, what barriers exist and how capital will play a role in catalyzing transition. Read more

Microsoft Signs NSW Wool Property to $500,000 Carbon Deal
Cavan Station, a historic wool property owned by Rupert Murdoch, has seen rising carbon benefits since they set out to improve their pasture production through better grazing management. Read more

Dig In to Australia’s Regenerative Farms
Learn more about commercial scale biological farms in Australia — and investment in them  — with the latest issue of BioLogical magazine, produced by Organic Investment Cooperative. Read More

Investment News:

Shifting Private Sector Finance for a Sustainable Food System
A panel discussion organized by Food Tank explores how the redirection of financial flows from philanthropy, major private investors, banks, multilateral donor agencies, and others can accelerate, and amplify food systems transformation.  Read more

Rockstart AgriFood Makes Final Close at Over 22 Million Euros
Rockstart funds the transformation to a regenerative and sustainable future by empowering founders to drive positive change at a global scale. The fund’s close exceeds its initial target and will allow Rockstart to further invest in top Agritech and Foodtech startups.  Read more

Fighting Climate Change Through the Food System:

Julia Collins Merges Food with Tech to Fight Climate Change
Collins’ Planet FWD is helping the planet while also benefiting  customers. Moonshot snacks use ingredients sourced by regenerative agricultural practices. Software helps other companies bring sustainable and carbon neutral food products to market.  Read more

Coalition Announces Plan to Decarbonize Food System
Organizations and stakeholders representing every step of the food value chain have come together under an ambitious new effort to decarbonize the European food system, while maximizing other benefits such as soil health and farmer resilience.  Read more

What We’re Listening to:

A Giant Organic Farm Faces Criticism That It’s Harming The Environment
An organic farm that’s backed by General Mills is facing accusations that it’s doing more environmental harm than good. The project shows the difficulties of delivering on green promises.  Read more

Activator Spotlight:

Food System 6 Announces Cohort Focused on Food Security
The incoming group features solutions focused on food equity and security, worker-ownership, regional food infrastructure, open-sourced technology, and closed-loop manufacturing for food and agriculture.  Read more


What We’re Reading:

4 Growing Opportunities for Regenerative Agriculture and Food Businesses — And How You Can Dig Into the Future Today via Portland Business Journal

Biden’s Civilian Climate Corps Comes Straight Out of the New Deal via Grist

Regenerative Agriculture Needs a Reckoning via The Counter

Covid and ‘Peak Cow’ Created a Boom for Food and Agriculture Tech in 2020 via CNBC

Farmers Struggle to Break into Booming Carbon-credit Market via Market Screener

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